Minggu, 15 Juli 2007
I'm glad!
Duh, betapa senangnya hati Osya....
Meski cuma bentar doank, tapi cukup mengobati lara rindu yang udah meradang, hehehehe....(hiperbola banget, yach?!)
Well, mum and dad, I love you both!
Kamis, 12 Juli 2007
All 'bout Friendship!
They're meant to enter to my life to bring me joy and laughter.
A friend gives hopes when life is low.
A friend is a place when i've nowhere to go.
A friend is honest.
A friend is true.
A friend is precious.
Friend, in my life i learn'd how to to love, to smile, to work hard, to be honest, to be strong, to be faithful, but i couldn't learn how to stop rememberin' you!
Dear friend,
In this world, where everythin' seems uncertain,
Only one thing is definite.
You'll always be my friend, beyond words, beyond time, and beyond distance!
Be sure that of all the gifts, big and small, your friendship is the greatest of tyhem all!
One thing i wanna say...
A memory lasts forever, and ne'er does it die.
True friends stay together and ne'er say goodbye!
So, stay with me, i'll stay with you and we'll be friends thro' and thro'! ;)
My article!
New Criticism is one of the structuralism approaches to literature. It developed in English and American literary criticism during the mid twentieth century. This approach emphasizes on close reading or internal characteristics of the work itself. In other words, it refuses the use of external evidence of the work; including historical, biographical, and sociological aspects. The New Critics avoided criticizing those three approaches, as they might enable be included by other disciplines.
It is in evidence that New Criticism is examining he relationship between a text’s notions and forms. Furthermore, it focuses on formal aspects, such as; rhythm; meter; theme; imagery; metaphor; paradox; irony; narrative structures; point of view; and other intrinsic matters of the work. The New Critics use this approach to determine the function and appropriateness of all these to the work’s content and meaning.
Some figures contributed to this approach are Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Cleanth Brooks. Once, the New Critics complimented Coleridge’s works, as its contents were completely unified and reconciled its internal conflicts as well as reached such a rhythmical and enchanting ending. According to Cleanth Brooks, in the interpretation of canonical works of poetry, the poet should be able to create internal paradoxes. Under New Critical analysis, the poem is known as a solid structure of meaning.
Furthermore, the New Critics refuse approaches which consider the poem as an attempt at representing the real universe. Again, in accordance with Brooks that there is such a complex but precise meaning in a poem. So, he thought that it is inevitably distorting in attempting to paraphrase it. Besides Coleridge and Brooks, there are other New Critical figures, such as; T.S. Eliot; F.R. Leavis; John Crowe Ransom; and Robert Penn Warren.
In addition, in viewing the poem, the New Critics consider it the purest exemplification of the literary values and they privileged poetry as a nified form of literary works. Since New Criticism excludes external matters, it rejects many perspectives for understanding the text, including historicism, sociological, as well as autobiographical approaches.
It's me from A to Z!

These files are all bout me, begins from A to Z!
So, anyone wanna know more bout me?
Then just read all this thro, ok?
Some of my friends say that I'm such! Uhm, well, yes! And one thing for sure that I believe is that "what I can do today is gonna be my destiny in the future".
Broken back bone.
Ow! I got my broken back bone when I was still a child. It's hurtin', you know! Poor me!
Christiano Ronaldo.
This is such a cozy guy evarrrrr!
Dawson's Creek.
I do love this serial so much! How cute James Van der Beek and Joshua Jackson are!
I like everythin' bout it!
First Love.
Sadly, I've lost my first love! He's gone…4ever…hiks…hiks…hiks…(sounds pathetic, right?)
Hurray……! This is the most excitin' time I always wait for durin' watchin' football on TV live!
Hell, No!
Don't even try to make me upset! I'm gonna be very very frightenin'! Ugh….!
I wanna be an Ambassador someday! Say "Ameen" for me! Come on!....Thanks!
Oops, I almost jump hearin' it!
Keep tryin'!
Don't ever give up! That's what I always keep in my mind! Coz "Nothin' ventured nothin' gained!"
When you get some troubles or difficult situations, try to sing as possible as u can! Or…if u don't have a good voice…just say "La..la..la..la.." Hihihi…
This life is just much more beautiful with the melody! Believe it or not!
Readin' novels is one of my hobbies. Some of them are; The Scarlet Letter, Wating 4 Godot, Oliver Twist, Emma, Ayat2 Cinta, Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk, Je m'appelle Lintang, Look I'm on Fire!, Join the gank, and many more…
That's my childhood nickname. Sounds unique? Of course it is! LOL!
Whenever you hold any kinds of spider, just stay away from me! Or else…(u'll get my blow!).
Queue Up.
Fhweeh….i don't like this situation!
Rock On!
I'm gonna completely rock you! You heard that?!
I'm sure that I'm gonna go there again! This is my memorable country evarrrrr!
When I was in Junior High, I involved in this extra.
We're not alone, together we stand with our friends. Keep smilin'
Hopefully I won't have such kind of characterictic.
I love this boyband! U know what, they’ve given me much inspiration.
Dya believe in Ghost? Yup, I do! Dya believe in Genie? Yes, absolutely! But I told u, u don't need to worry bout all those things! Trust me!
I dunno why I do like toasted sandwich! I think it's such a delicious food!
Please, be quite! I'm sleepin'!
A movie review of Kangaroo Jack!

Uhm, it's bout 100 times i guess. Hahahaha...LOL!
Well, maybe it sounds hyperbole.
But, anyway, this the review.
Just read it and don't even miss any single words!
Starring : Jerry O’Connell and Anthony Anderson.
Director : David McNally.
Genres : Comedy.
Studio : Castle Rock Entertainment.
Runtime : 89 Minutes.
This film tells about two longtime best friends from Brooklyn, they are Charlie Carbone (Jerry O’Connell), a hair stylist in New York and Louis Booker (Anthony Anderson), a would-be musician. Both of them are involved in the local mob family led by Sal Maggio (Christopher Walken), Charlie’s step father.
Sal makes an attempt at delivering stolen televisions to a local warehouse, but unfortunately it is backfired by the cops and it is because of Charlie and Louis. Sal is getting completely upset and eventually gives the two friends one more chance at redemption. One of Sal’s employees gives the guys the most important task, to fly to Australia and deliver the $ 50, 000 mob money to Mr. Smith in such an exact time.
The story goes on with Charlie and Louis who starts their air travel from America to Australia. The trip is not always running well, they much get trouble. Things go awry when Louis puts his lucky jacket on a wild Kangaroo in which the money is put in its pocket. Teaming up with wildlife expert, Jessie (Estella Warren), they must chase down the wild smart Kangaroo who brings the mob’s $ 50,000. Are Charlie, Louis, and Jessie able to get the money back and be saved from getting killed by the mob?
This is such a funny and honest kind of movie. The plot is easy to follow for adults to laugh with as well as the kids. Overall, this movie is comical and supposedly aimed for kids. However, it is not much appropriate one to watch, as it has several silly jokes at least for kids. One of them includes scene in a brief moment of heat when Charlie experiences hallucination. Moreover, in this movie, Charlie’s step father is considered a gangster, mafia, or something. But the flaw is again appeared as whether kids are going to understand anything related to gangster or something like that? Another cheesy joke occurs when Louis states: “We’re having an intimate, non gay moment.”
In addition, this movie is screamingly inappropriate for younger kids. As in the middle of the story, there are awful scenes. It includes the scene in the aero plane where the two main characters are in the bathroom handling the $ 50,000 money and mumbling such foul language making people outside think they are acting like homosexual partners, the scene where Charlie and Louis get drunk, and the scene when Charlie gets ill treatment from his step father.
The best thing provided in this movie is the setting. It explores and shows a kind of the beauty of the Australian countryside and its unique fauna. However, it is supposed to be failed in depicting its scenery. Since the scenery shots are briefly viewed, the story becomes unsatisfying to be enjoyed by the audiences.
Although the main characters act well entirely and much involved in some good funny moments, the story is awfully pointless and lame to watch over times. Charlie’s sweet heart’s character, Jessie (Estella Warren) cannot act well and makes a stupid ending. Moreover, the character of Kangaroo Jack, as an important role playing in the movie, is in good special animation and effects, but it is overacted and irrelevant.
On the other hands, this movie inevitably has a life and moral lesson. The two main characters are childhood best friends who always have an attempt to appreciate one another and share their pain and sorrow, their laughter and tears. This is a kind of good example of eternal friendship. But, again, the story is predictable and its script is a cliché. To sum up, this movie “Kangaroo Jack” is probably not really good in providing comical situations, but it is worth a look to recommend for family outing.
The poem of mine!
Oh, my dear friend,
We were close through and through,
In such ten thousand miles though.
We shared together
In all our laughter.
We felt much pain and sorrow
Just to survive for tomorrow.
You've walk'd away!
Well, here i wanna say:
In every Heaven you are.
But still...
A bunch of yellow roses for you,
To remember every hreatest things you do.
I dedicate this poem for my late childhood friend from Singapore, Shuhaib!
May God's blessin' and mercies surround you there! Amin!