Kamis, 27 Desember 2007

Cerita Cinta dan Kawan!

Hari ini gw dapat surat indah dari temen sekelas gw, Yayan.
Ku buka dan ku baca isinya...
Wow, it's so powerful!
Take a look....

"Cinta Dan Kawan"
Satu hari CINTA & KAWAN berjalan didalam

Tiba-tiba CINTA terjatuh dalam telaga...


Kerena CINTA itu buta...

Lalu KAWAN pun ikut terjun dalam telaga...


Kerena... KAWAN akan buat apa saja demi

Di dalam telaga CINTA hilang...


Kerna... CINTA itu halus, mudah hilang
kalau tak dijaga, sukar dicari apa lagi
dalam telaga yang gelap...

Sedangkan KAWAN masih mencari-cari
dimana CINTA sampai; terus menunggu..


Kerna... KAWAN itu sejati & akan kekal
sebagai KAWAN yang setia...

Benar begitu bukan??

so, hargai lah KAWAN kita selagi kita
terasa dia BERARTI....

Walau kita punya couple, teman tetap
yang paling setia.
Walau kita punya harta banyak, teman
tetap yang paling berharga.

frenz never break...........

Senin, 26 November 2007

Take a look at these pictures!

Allah in cactus tree

Allah's name appears on the oceanAn amazing mark in our hand

Allah's name in a watermelon

Source: http://www.islamcan.com/miracles/index.shtml

Sabtu, 24 November 2007

Westlife Always!

Quelqu'un a besoin de vous

Je suis seulement humain
Parfois je fais des erreurs
Si vous me pardonnez
Je vais faire ce qu'il prend

Mais maintenant je sais mieux
Il était erroné de vous blesser
Fille il est avec vous que j'appartiens
Quelqu'un a besoin de vous aiment jamais avant
Quelqu'un veut votre amour
Le bébé ouvrent ainsi la porte
Vous ne me laissez pas seul
Pas vous vous avérez la lumière
Quelqu'un vous veut
Quelqu'un a besoin de vous ce soir

J'avais pensé
Nous devrions la parler à travers
Vous devez me croire
Je la ferai jusqu'à vous

La cause I savent maintenant mieux
Il était erroné de vous blesser
Fille il est avec vous que j'appartiens

Quelqu'un a besoin de vous aiment jamais avant
Quelqu'un veut votre amour
Le bébé ouvrent ainsi la porte
Vous ne me laissez pas seul
Pas vous vous avérez la lumière
Quelqu'un vous veut
Quelqu'un a besoin de vous ce soir

Dans l'obscurité,
Quand il y a personne d'autre autour
Je prie toujours
Que notre amour peut être trouvé

Quelqu'un a besoin de vous aiment jamais avant
Quelqu'un vous veut
Le bébé ouvrent la porte
Vous ne me laissez pas seul
Pas vous vous avérez la lumière
Quelqu'un vous veut
Quelqu'un a besoin de vous

Quelqu'un a besoin de vous aiment jamais avant
Quelqu'un veut votre amour
Le bébé ouvrent la porte
Vous ne me laissez pas seul
Pas vous vous avérez la lumière
Quelqu'un vous veut
Quelqu'un a besoin de vous traduisent ce soir

Note: Westlife's Song "Somebody Needs You" French Translation.

Sabtu, 17 November 2007

Promise Yourself

Promise yourself to be strong that nothin' can disturb your peace mind

To take health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet

To make all your friends feel that there's somethin' in 'em

To look the sunny side of everythin' and make your optimism come true

To think only the best, to work only for the best, and expect only the best

To be just as enthusiastic 'bout the success of others as you're 'bout your own

To forget the mistakes of the past and press onto the greater achievement of the future

To wear cheerful countenance at all times, and give every livin' creature you meet a smile

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself, that you have no time to criticize others

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

P.S. This is such a beautiful poem author'd by C. D. Larson.

Minggu, 04 November 2007

The Poem of Friendship

Many people will walk in and out of your life.
But only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.
To handle yourself, use your head;
To handle others, use your heart.


Anger is only one letter short of danger
If someone betrays you once, it is his fault;
If he betrays you twice, it is your fault.

Great minds discuss ideas;
Average minds discuss events;
Small minds discuss people.

He, who loses money, loses much;
He, who loses a friend, loses much more;
He, who loses faith, loses all.

Beautiful young people are accidents of nature,
But beautiful old people are works of art.

Learn from the mistakes of others
You can't live long enough to make them all

Friends, you and me...
You brought another friend...
And then there were 3...
We started our group...
Our circle of friends...
And like that circle...
There is no beginning or end...

Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is mystery.
Today is a gift.
That is why it is called the present.

Show your friends how much you care...

This poem was written by Eleanor Roosevelt

Sabtu, 29 September 2007

Eid ul-Fitr


Eid ul-Fitr is one of the Islamic holidays which marks the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting. The word Eid ul-Fitr (simply abbreviated as "Eid") is taken from the Arabic language; Eid means "to be back" and Fitr means "to break". From these words, it, therefore, symbolizes the breaking of the fasting period and all of sinful habits.

There are certain traditions which are typically held in this day of celebration. A Muslim family gets up earlier to attend special prayer held only in mosques or in large open areas, such as; fields and squares. In general, the prayer is short (composed of two raka'ats) and is followed by a khutba (sermon). Before attending the special congregational prayer, Muslims partake of some dates or a light, sweet snack, to break their past thirty days of Ramadan. Furthermore, every Muslim (including man, woman, and child) must pay Zakat el-Fitr, an alms for the month of Ramadan.

In this joyful celebration, Muslims are encouraged to dress in their best attire. Moreover, visiting friends and relatives are common. The merriment begins after the Eid prayer, all members of the family visit their friends and relatives to renew friendship and family ties as well as to thank to the Creator for all blessings given throughout the previous month. Eid ul-Fitr begins with the sighting of the new moon. It is falling on the first day of Shawwal (the tenth month in the Islamic calendar). So, it is not surprising that there may be regional differences in the exact date of Eid, with some Muslims fasting for 29 and some for 30 days.

In addition, common greetings during this festival are also uttered. It is commonly said: "Eid Mubarak" or "Eid Saeed" (Arabic version, which means "Happy Eid"). People in many parts of Southeast Asia (especially Indonesia and Malaysia) usually greet another Muslim with "Selamat Hari Raya" or "Selamat Idul Fitri", and with "Maaf Zahir dan Batin", which means "I'm sorry physically and spiritually". In fact, Eid ul-Fitr is a day of forgiveness, moral victory and peace, congregation, fellowship, reconciliation, brotherhood and unity.

Let's congregate Takbir altogether:

Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar,

La illaha illa Allah,

Wa Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar,

Wa lillah hilhamd.

God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest,

There is no deity but (the One) God,

God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest,

And to Him goes all praise.


Banyak orang yang datang dan pergi dalam hidupku.
Ada yang melintas sekilas, tapi begitu membekas keras.
Ada yang 'tlah lama berjalan beriringan, tapi tak disadari makna kehadirannya.
Ada yang begitu jauh dimata, sedang penampakannya melekat dihati.
Ada yang datang dan pergi begitu saja, seolah tak pernah ada.

Bagaimanapun smua berarti bagiku,
Mereka turut memahat pribadiku,
Menyapukan tinta pada lukisan hidupku,
Dan menyiangi tanaman jiwaku...

Senin, 24 September 2007

Happy Ramadan!

Fasting Ramadan

Fasting Ramadan is obligatory for every Muslim who is morally responsible.

Conditions for a Valid Fast
. If one makes the intention (one must make the intention to fast for each day one fasts. If the intended fast is obligatory, then the intention must be specific; as to the fast being for Ramadan, a vow, an expiation, or whatever, and be made in the night prior to down);
. And if nothing that breaks the fast occurs, including: leaving Islam; a woman’s being in her period of menstruation or postnatal bleeding; deliberate vomiting; sexual intercourse; masturbation (whether by unlawful means, like one’s own hand, or by lawful means, such as the hand of one’s wife); a substance in an open passageway reaching a body cavity such as the stomach, inner ear, rectum, or bladder (substance excluding odors, and open excluding anything else, such as absorption through pores. The deliberate introduction of anything besides air or saliva into the body cavity breaks the fast, though if the person fasting does so absentmindedly or under compulsion, it does not break it).

The Following are not required to Fast:
1. A non-Muslim;
2. A child;
3. Someone insane;
4. Or someone whom fasting exhausts because if advanced years or having an illness from which he is unlikely to recover.

None of the above-mentioned is obliged to fast or to make up missed fast-days, though someone who misses a fast because of (4) above must give 0.51 liters of food for each fast-day he misses.

Making Up Fast Days Missed for An Excuse
The following are not required to fast, though they are obliged to make up fast-days missed (making up, according to our school, meaning that one fasts a single day for each obligatory fast-day missed):

1. Those who are ill (the illness that permits not fasting being that which fasting would worsen, delay recovery from, or cause one considerable harm with; the same dispensation applying to someone who needs to take medicine during the day that breaks the fast and that he cannot delay taking until night);
2. Those who are traveling (provided that the journey is at least 81 km/50 mi. one way, and that ones leaves town before dawn);
3. A person who has left Islam;
4. Or a woman who is in her menses or period of postnatal bleeding.

If the ill person or traveler takes it upon himself or herself to fast, it is valid, though a fast by someone who has left Islam, or a woman in menstruation or period of postnatal bleeding is not valid.
A woman whose period ends during the day of Ramadan is recommended to fast the rest of the day and is obliged to make up the fast (and the fast-days prior to it missed during her period or postnatal bleeding).

Sunnas of Fasting
The sunnas of fasting include delaying the predawn meal (to just before dawn, as long as on does not apprehend dawn’s arrival while still eating, though when one does not know when dawn is, it is not the sunna to thus delay it); hastening breaking the fast (when one is certain the sun has set. One should break it with an odd number of dates, though if one has none, water is best); and avoiding ugly words (slander, lying and foul language, which are always unlawful, but even worse when fasting).

Days Unlawful to Fast
It is unlawful and invalid to fast on the two ‘Eids or the three days following ‘Eid al Adha. It is also unlawful and invalid to fast on a day of uncertainty (as to whether it is the first day of Ramadan, meaning that on 30 Sha’ban, someone who does not have the necessary qualifications of a witness mentions having seen the new moon of Ramadan), unless it falls on a day one habitually fasts, or is connected with the previous days (Fasting on a day of uncertainty is not valid as a day of Ramadan, though it can validly fulfill a vow or makeup fast. Voluntary fasting on such a day is only valid when one would have fasted any way because it falls on a day one habitually fasts, or when one has been fasting each day since before mid-Sha’ban. If neither of these is the case, then it is unlawful and invalid for one to fast on it).

Vitiating the Fast by Sexual Intercourse
Whoever deliberately vitiates a fast-day by sexual intercourse must make up the fast, and expiate for it as one does for injurious comparison (zihar). The expiation consists of freeing a sound Muslim bondsman, or if not possible, then fasting the days of two consecutive months. If this is not possible, then the expiation is to feed sixty unfortunates (0.51 liters of food to each unfortunate). If one is unable to do this, the expiation remains as an unperformed obligation upon the person concerned. The woman made love to is not obliged to expiate it.

If someone dies with unperformed fast-days, which he could have fasted but did not, then each fast-day is paid for by the responsible family member with 0.51 liters of food, or he can fast for him in place of paying for each day. As for someone who dies after two Ramadans elapse upon his missed fast-days, each fast is paid for with 1.02 liters (double the above) of food. Or the family member can both fast a day and pay 0.51 liters for each day (i.e. the family member may fast in the deceased’s stead for the initial nonperformance of the fast-day, though he cannot fast in place of paying the 0.51 liters of food for each year that making up a fast-day was delayed before the deceased’s death, because this is the legal expiation for delaying the fast).

Valid Excuses from Fasting
It is permissible to omit fasting a day or more of Ramadan (and make it up later) if a person is ill, is traveling (provided that the journey is at least 81 km/50 mi. one way, and that the person leaves town before dawn), or is a woman who is pregnant or breast-feeding a baby and apprehends harm to herself (or her child), though if she omits it because of fear of harm for the child (alone, not for herself), then in addition to making up each day, she must give 0.51 liters of food in charity for each day missed, as an expiation.

Spiritual Retreat (I’tikaf)
Spiritual retreat in the mosque (I’tikaf) is a sunna (at any time), and is only valid by staying (for more than the least amount of time that can be considered repose, i.e. a moment) in a mosque with the intention of spiritual retreat. If one vows to make spiritual retreat for a consecutive period, the consecutiveness of such a period is nullified by lovemaking, though not by leaving (for something necessary such as eating even when it is possible to do so in the mosque), drinking (provided it is not possible to do so in the mosque) or to use the lavatory, or because of the onset of menstruation, or an illness with which remaining in the mosque presents a hardship.

Source: Imam Nawawi's manual of Islam.

Ramadan Kariim!

It's the 12th day of Ramadan!

I'd like to say : "HAPPY RAMADAN" special for my best friends:

Elyor Ergashev and his relatives in Uzbekistan entirely.

Smoga Ramadan tahun ini lebih bermakna, lebih takzim terasa di hati.

Smoga keimanan dalam kalbu mampu memaknai cabaran dan dugaan sebagai pelajaran yang dapat mendewasakn usia.

Smoga tahun depan dapat merayakan Ramadan di Indonesia.....Insya Allah!

Stay always in touch, pal!

Kamis, 30 Agustus 2007

Photo PKL!

my friends and me!

The boys (from right to left): Neo, Adah, Aziz, Gayo, Wildan, Aries, and Very.
Aziz and me in front of Publisher office in Jogja Central Java.
Take a picture in Parangtritis Beach.

Rabu, 29 Agustus 2007

I'm back!


Finally, i'm finish'd already!
Now it's time to....back to school!

Sebulan di Jogja, rasanya....
Sempet kagak kerasan, BT, pengen cepet2 balik ke Malang, ketemu ma anak2, Tidur di kamar kost yang nyaman, kangen ma guyonan garing dari mbak2 kost....
Ternyata setelah kembali ke Malang...
Osya pengen balik lagi ke Jogja.
Capek dech!

Osya kangen waktu sekelompok koordinasi bareng, berangkat ke penerbitan bareng, pulang bareng, sampe godain Onyet bareng.....hehehehe....
Duch, kapan lagi Osya bisa ngerasain cerita2 itu lagi?
Jadi penegn nangis...hiks...hiks...hiks...

Yang pasti,
Pengalaman2 waktu di Jogja tak kan pernah terlupa.
Smua itu kan jadi memory paling mengesankan dalam hidup Osya...

Minggu, 15 Juli 2007

I'm glad!

Hari ni Abah ma bunda kunjung kemari.
Duh, betapa senangnya hati Osya....
Meski cuma bentar doank, tapi cukup mengobati lara rindu yang udah meradang, hehehehe....(hiperbola banget, yach?!)

Well, mum and dad, I love you both!

Kamis, 12 Juli 2007

All 'bout Friendship!

Now i know that a friend's ne'er a coincidence in my life.
They're meant to enter to my life to bring me joy and laughter.

A friend gives hopes when life is low.
A friend is a place when i've nowhere to go.
A friend is honest.
A friend is true.
A friend is precious.

Friend, in my life i learn'd how to to love, to smile, to work hard, to be honest, to be strong, to be faithful, but i couldn't learn how to stop rememberin' you!

Dear friend,
In this world, where everythin' seems uncertain,
Only one thing is definite.
You'll always be my friend, beyond words, beyond time, and beyond distance!

Be sure that of all the gifts, big and small, your friendship is the greatest of tyhem all!

One thing i wanna say...
A memory lasts forever, and ne'er does it die.
True friends stay together and ne'er say goodbye!

So, stay with me, i'll stay with you and we'll be friends thro' and thro'! ;)

My article!


New Criticism is one of the structuralism approaches to literature. It developed in English and American literary criticism during the mid twentieth century. This approach emphasizes on close reading or internal characteristics of the work itself. In other words, it refuses the use of external evidence of the work; including historical, biographical, and sociological aspects. The New Critics avoided criticizing those three approaches, as they might enable be included by other disciplines.

It is in evidence that New Criticism is examining he relationship between a text’s notions and forms. Furthermore, it focuses on formal aspects, such as; rhythm; meter; theme; imagery; metaphor; paradox; irony; narrative structures; point of view; and other intrinsic matters of the work. The New Critics use this approach to determine the function and appropriateness of all these to the work’s content and meaning.

Some figures contributed to this approach are Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Cleanth Brooks. Once, the New Critics complimented Coleridge’s works, as its contents were completely unified and reconciled its internal conflicts as well as reached such a rhythmical and enchanting ending. According to Cleanth Brooks, in the interpretation of canonical works of poetry, the poet should be able to create internal paradoxes. Under New Critical analysis, the poem is known as a solid structure of meaning.

Furthermore, the New Critics refuse approaches which consider the poem as an attempt at representing the real universe. Again, in accordance with Brooks that there is such a complex but precise meaning in a poem. So, he thought that it is inevitably distorting in attempting to paraphrase it. Besides Coleridge and Brooks, there are other New Critical figures, such as; T.S. Eliot; F.R. Leavis; John Crowe Ransom; and Robert Penn Warren.

In addition, in viewing the poem, the New Critics consider it the purest exemplification of the literary values and they privileged poetry as a nified form of literary works. Since New Criticism excludes external matters, it rejects many perspectives for understanding the text, including historicism, sociological, as well as autobiographical approaches.

All my drawings!

One of my hobbies is drawin'1
I like doin this activity.
So, whenever i'm gettin' bored, i'm gonna take my pencil, paper, and eraser....
and it's time to draw and draw!

Keep on drawin', gal!

Here is my drawings!

anyone may wonder why it's all the boy figures?
I dunno either....
Heheheh LOl!

It's me from A to Z!

These files are all bout me, begins from A to Z!
So, anyone wanna know more bout me?
Then just read all this thro, ok?


Some of my friends say that I'm such! Uhm, well, yes! And one thing for sure that I believe is that "what I can do today is gonna be my destiny in the future".

Broken back bone.

Ow! I got my broken back bone when I was still a child. It's hurtin', you know! Poor me!

Christiano Ronaldo.

This is such a cozy guy evarrrrr!

Dawson's Creek.

I do love this serial so much! How cute James Van der Beek and Joshua Jackson are!


I like everythin' bout it!

First Love.

Sadly, I've lost my first love! He's gone…4ever…hiks…hiks…hiks…(sounds pathetic, right?)


Hurray……! This is the most excitin' time I always wait for durin' watchin' football on TV live!

Hell, No!

Don't even try to make me upset! I'm gonna be very very frightenin'! Ugh….!


I wanna be an Ambassador someday! Say "Ameen" for me! Come on!....Thanks!


Oops, I almost jump hearin' it!

Keep tryin'!

Don't ever give up! That's what I always keep in my mind! Coz "Nothin' ventured nothin' gained!"


When you get some troubles or difficult situations, try to sing as possible as u can! Or…if u don't have a good voice…just say "La..la..la..la.." Hihihi…


This life is just much more beautiful with the melody! Believe it or not!


Readin' novels is one of my hobbies. Some of them are; The Scarlet Letter, Wating 4 Godot, Oliver Twist, Emma, Ayat2 Cinta, Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk, Je m'appelle Lintang, Look I'm on Fire!, Join the gank, and many more…


That's my childhood nickname. Sounds unique? Of course it is! LOL!


Whenever you hold any kinds of spider, just stay away from me! Or else…(u'll get my blow!).

Queue Up.

Fhweeh….i don't like this situation!

Rock On!

I'm gonna completely rock you! You heard that?!


I'm sure that I'm gonna go there again! This is my memorable country evarrrrr!


When I was in Junior High, I involved in this extra.


We're not alone, together we stand with our friends. Keep smilin'


Hopefully I won't have such kind of characterictic.


I love this boyband! U know what, they’ve given me much inspiration.


Dya believe in Ghost? Yup, I do! Dya believe in Genie? Yes, absolutely! But I told u, u don't need to worry bout all those things! Trust me!


I dunno why I do like toasted sandwich! I think it's such a delicious food!


Please, be quite! I'm sleepin'!

A movie review of Kangaroo Jack!

I've watch'd this film for many times.
Uhm, it's bout 100 times i guess. Hahahaha...LOL!
Well, maybe it sounds hyperbole.
But, anyway, this the review.
Just read it and don't even miss any single words!

  • Starring : Jerry O’Connell and Anthony Anderson.

  • Director : David McNally.

  • Genres : Comedy.

  • Studio : Castle Rock Entertainment.

  • Runtime : 89 Minutes.

This film tells about two longtime best friends from Brooklyn, they are Charlie Carbone (Jerry O’Connell), a hair stylist in New York and Louis Booker (Anthony Anderson), a would-be musician. Both of them are involved in the local mob family led by Sal Maggio (Christopher Walken), Charlie’s step father.

Sal makes an attempt at delivering stolen televisions to a local warehouse, but unfortunately it is backfired by the cops and it is because of Charlie and Louis. Sal is getting completely upset and eventually gives the two friends one more chance at redemption. One of Sal’s employees gives the guys the most important task, to fly to Australia and deliver the $ 50, 000 mob money to Mr. Smith in such an exact time.

The story goes on with Charlie and Louis who starts their air travel from America to Australia. The trip is not always running well, they much get trouble. Things go awry when Louis puts his lucky jacket on a wild Kangaroo in which the money is put in its pocket. Teaming up with wildlife expert, Jessie (Estella Warren), they must chase down the wild smart Kangaroo who brings the mob’s $ 50,000. Are Charlie, Louis, and Jessie able to get the money back and be saved from getting killed by the mob?

This is such a funny and honest kind of movie. The plot is easy to follow for adults to laugh with as well as the kids. Overall, this movie is comical and supposedly aimed for kids. However, it is not much appropriate one to watch, as it has several silly jokes at least for kids. One of them includes scene in a brief moment of heat when Charlie experiences hallucination. Moreover, in this movie, Charlie’s step father is considered a gangster, mafia, or something. But the flaw is again appeared as whether kids are going to understand anything related to gangster or something like that? Another cheesy joke occurs when Louis states: “We’re having an intimate, non gay moment.”

In addition, this movie is screamingly inappropriate for younger kids. As in the middle of the story, there are awful scenes. It includes the scene in the aero plane where the two main characters are in the bathroom handling the $ 50,000 money and mumbling such foul language making people outside think they are acting like homosexual partners, the scene where Charlie and Louis get drunk, and the scene when Charlie gets ill treatment from his step father.

The best thing provided in this movie is the setting. It explores and shows a kind of the beauty of the Australian countryside and its unique fauna. However, it is supposed to be failed in depicting its scenery. Since the scenery shots are briefly viewed, the story becomes unsatisfying to be enjoyed by the audiences.

Although the main characters act well entirely and much involved in some good funny moments, the story is awfully pointless and lame to watch over times. Charlie’s sweet heart’s character, Jessie (Estella Warren) cannot act well and makes a stupid ending. Moreover, the character of Kangaroo Jack, as an important role playing in the movie, is in good special animation and effects, but it is overacted and irrelevant.

On the other hands, this movie inevitably has a life and moral lesson. The two main characters are childhood best friends who always have an attempt to appreciate one another and share their pain and sorrow, their laughter and tears. This is a kind of good example of eternal friendship. But, again, the story is predictable and its script is a cliché. To sum up, this movie “Kangaroo Jack” is probably not really good in providing comical situations, but it is worth a look to recommend for family outing.

The poem of mine!

A Yellow Rose

Oh, my dear friend,
We were close through and through,
In such ten thousand miles though.
We shared together
In all our laughter.
We felt much pain and sorrow
Just to survive for tomorrow.

You've walk'd away!
Well, here i wanna say:
In every Heaven you are.
But still...
A bunch of yellow roses for you,
To remember every hreatest things you do.

I dedicate this poem for my late childhood friend from Singapore, Shuhaib!
May God's blessin' and mercies surround you there! Amin!

Rabu, 11 Juli 2007

A new picture from my best friend, Elyor!

Cheer up, guys!
(Fellas from Uzbek and Russia)
Howay, Elly!
What's the craic, pal?
Uhm, Le gra Go deo...ho..ho..ho..

Jumat, 22 Juni 2007

Here is a nice pict of my best friend, Elly!

Hey, Elly!
What's the craic, huh?
Oh, gosh......!
I almost forget our Uzbek class!

Just wanna say Hello, dear!

Stay in touch!

Take a look at him carefully! ;)

Kamis, 10 Mei 2007

All About Singapore.

Merlion Statue as a Symbol of Singapore

All about Singapore

Singapore is located at one of the crossroad of the world. Its strategic position has helped it grow into a major center for trade, communication, and tourism. The geographical location is 136.8 km north of equator, between latitudes 103 degrees to 104 degrees.

It is linked to Malaysia by two causeway bridges and the key islands of the Riau Archipelago of Indonesia are just a quick ferry trip away. Thailand and the Philippines are short plane journey away. Singapore with an airport served by more than 69 airlines, is very much the gateway to Southeast Asia.

From the historical backdrop, by the fourteenth century, Singapore had become part of the mighty Sri Vijayan Empire and was known as Temasek (sea town), which is located at the natural meeting point of sea routes of the trip of the Malay Peninsula and had long known visits from a wide variety of sea craft from Chinese, Indian, Arabian, and even Portuguese. During the fourteenth century also, this island had earned a new name “Singa-pura” (Lion City), according to the legends, a visiting Sri Vijayan Prince saw an animal and he mistook for a lion and after that Singapore’s modern day name was born.

By 1824, just five years after the founding of modern Singapore, the population had grown from a mere 150 to 10.000. In 1832, Singapore had become the center of government for the straits settlement of Penang, Malacca, and Singapore itself. In the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 and the advent of steamship and telegraph increased Singapore’s importance as the center for the expanding trade between east and west.

Five centuries later, Singapore became the scene of important fighting during World War II. It was regarded as an impregnable fortress. But unfortunately, in the 1942, the Japanese attacked the island. In 1959, the growth of nationalism led to self-government and eventually it became an independent republic on 9 August 1965.

Selasa, 20 Maret 2007

Je t'aime Papa!

One thing that i wanna say and write is that i miss my dad so much rightttttt nowwwww!
Oh, God! Sent my Besttt regard for him now on! Tell him that i love him soooo muchhhh!
I'm sayin a lil prayer for you dad:
"My Lord, bestow on him Your mercy as he did bring me up when i was young!"

It's all 'bout me!

This is me!
Looks nice, huh?!

Name : Osya (The Cute)
Birthday : 16 May 1987
Hobbies : Readin' books, watchin' football on TV, Listenin' music
Occupation: University Student of Islamic University.
Eye Color : Black shine
Hair Color: Black Shine
Perfume : Cassablanca Aqua
Fav Color : Black and White
Fav Place : My own bedroom
Fav Drink : Milk chocolate
Fav Meal : Noodle, fried rice.