Rabu, 28 Mei 2008


Aku ingin hidup 'tuk kupersembahkan pada semesta.
Dalam hidup, kususun bangunan-bangunan cinta.
Dengan hidup, kutancapkan pilar-pilar kasih sayang.
Kubangun jembatan-jembatan keterhubungan dengan kerabatku.
Bersama sanak keluarga, dengan siapa cinta pernah terbingkai.
Namun jika kemtian jiwa menghalangiku,
Maka akan terucapkan, esok hari adalah sahabat sejati.
Kerna hari esok tak meninggalkan apa-apa,
Terkecuali yang terlukis pada lembaran buku keabadian.

Ku ingin datang dalam hidup untuk menggapai nilai-nilai.
Menebar benih-benih, memetik buah-buah ranum.
Pada musim panen, di ladang-ladang penuh harapan.
Di bawah sinar mentari, keindahan sawah ladang dan ngarai.
Di sini aku hidup, untuk segenap usiaku.
Dan aku juga akan hidup dalam keabadian.
Pada setiap kenangan sahabat-sahabat sejatiku.
Dan pada ruh dan jiwaku sendiri!

Selasa, 06 Mei 2008

i dunno what to entitle?!

Tuhan, Kau lebih tau apa yg kurasakan saat ini. Bingung, resah, kecewa, gamang, dan sejuta hal lainnya. Aku sendiri tak tau apa dan bagaimana ini smua bisa terjadi. Aku tau smua ini kerna kehendakMu, Tuhan. Kun fa yakun! Tapi dsini kembali ku menghiba d hadapMu. Ubahlah kebingunganku m'jadi cahaya. Buatlah resahku m'jadi bahgia. Jadikanlah kecewaku sejuta asa bagiku. Dan balikkan gamangku pada yakinku. Pintaku tetapkanlah hatiku padaMu slalu.

Aku yang tengah bimbang-moga tak lagi bimbang.

Minggu, 27 April 2008

Adakah sahabat sejati itu??

Orang bilang sahabat sejati itu...
Slalu ada dalam suka dan duka.
Slalu setia bagaimanapun keadaan kita.
Slalu menerima apapun adanya kita.
Slalu rela berkorban demi dan untuk kita.

Benarkah demikian?
Apakah ia benar ada?

Mungkin smua-mua itu benar adanya.
Tapi tak jarang juga, justru kita disakiti oleh orang yang kita sebut sebagai sahabat.
Bahkan hati kita lebih terasa sakit karenanya.
Lebih kecewa kerna sikapnya.

Mungkin akan lebih tepat dinyatakan bahwa,
Sahabat itu yang membuatmu menangis bukan yang membuatmu tertawa.


Sahabat juga manusia yang tak lepas dari ketidak sempurnaan, bukan?
Butuh kelapangan hati untuk menerima ia apa adanya.
Nyatanya kita tak akan pernah bisa sempurna memahami orang lain, termasuk sahabat kita sendiri.
Dan kita pun tak bisa memaksa sahabat kita sendiri untuk memahami diri kita.
Tapi kita bisa memulainya dengan terus dan terus belajar, bukan?
Meski tak sempurna, tapi paling tidak sedikit mendekati kata itu.

Merasa kecewa itu biasa.
Bisa mengambil hikmah dari kekecewaan itu baru Rruaaaarrrr Biasa!
Kerna dari situ kita bisa belajar,
Yeah, belajar untuk tegar, sabar, kuat dan yang lebih penting dari itu semua adalah dewasa.
Dewasa dalam menghadapi hidup ini!

Ayo Menjadi Dewasa, Osya!!!!!

Kamis, 10 April 2008


Oh, finally i can breathe freely!
I've just pass'd my seminar!
It's 'lil bit.............ouw, i was nervous at start!
But then...it's just nothin' to worry!
Thnks God for the Help!

Many thanks to my family, mom and dad, for the best wishes. And my bro and sist for the great support.


Adalah lumrah dunia fana penuh panca roba.
Moga kita sentiasa syukur atas kurnia rezki dan tak terleka dalam perjalanan ini.
Kala bersua dengan ni'mah, harapku kita semua tak terlupa diri bila gembira.
Kala diberi cuba, doaku kita bersama tahan bila di halangan onak dan cabaran.
Andai setiap nukilan puisi adalah doa, kuharap ini puisi!
Adalah setiap kita bermula dari bayi yang tergolek di lemah tak ada daya.
Tersusun tak lebih dari beberapa kilogram protein dan air, tapi tak ada makhluk lain yang lebih cerdas seperti halnya kita.
Hanya sejumput informasi dari dunia luar yang menyapa, sejumlah foton yang menerpa retina, sekelebat gelombang suara yang bergetar di gendang telinga.
Tapi akhirnya kita tahu bagaimana dunia ini bekerja.
Inilah kisah tentang diri kita, makhluk bernama manusia.
Dengan segala keunikan yang di beri percuma dari Sang Pencipta.
Maka adalah niscaya, bakat dikurnia jangan disalah guna.
Tetaplah ucap Hamdallah, kerna semua yang besar atau pintar, tetap Allahu Akbar!
Janganlah nukilan ini disalah tafsir pula!
Bukan maksud ingin berkhutbah, cuma ingin sadari diri jua.

Mari bersama merenung diri!

Selasa, 18 Maret 2008

Completely in a shitty world!


Have you ever felt like you've been lost in a different world?
Have you ever felt like you've become a nobody but such a poor miserable alien?
Have you ever felt like no one knows you but they know your name?

Have you...?
Have you ever felt this way sometimes?

I try to cry but the tears just not there...
I try to make a scream but no one cares...

I dunno what the hell happen with me...?
I dunno why...?
I just...

Oh, gosh...!
Things go awry...!!



In trouble...

Jumat, 07 Maret 2008

Research About The Scarlet Letter Novel Author'd by Nathaniel Hawthorne

By: Osya

Literature is always interesting to talk about, as there are some potential values can be found in literature. Stern stated that literature can help students to master the vocabulary and grammar of the language as well as the four skills; i.e., reading, writing, listening, and speaking. In addition, literature also provides exposure to the culture of its speakers by examining universal human experience within the contexts of the particular people. Finally, Stern said that aesthetically, literature’s benefits include the teaching of the literature for its own sake, for the perceptive insight it provides into man’s existence within the artistic and intellectual boundaries of literary framework. Literature, we may conclude, is a speech act or contextual event that elicits certain kinds of attention (Culler, 1997:27). Literature is divided into three forms; i.e., prose, poetry, and drama. Among of all these three kinds, the novel, which is included in prose, is the most expanded one to analyze. Contrasting to the short story, the novel has such a long and more complicated plot than the short story does. According to William Kenney (1966:105), the novel is decidedly not meant to be read at a single sitting. Because of its length, the novel is particularly suited as the short story is not, to deal with the effect on character of the passage of time. Furthermore, in a novel, the reader can find such imaginative characters and moments’ portrayal, and may feel what the character has experienced, as though he or she involves in it. From these reasons above, the writer prefers to choose a novel and is interested in analyzing it.
There are a great number of awesome novels and well-known authors in the annals history of literature. But the writer would rather choose one of the nineteenth century’s great American fiction literatures, which rooted from the period of Romanticism (1820-1860). During this time, there lived Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864), one of the most famous American authors, who had wrote many literary works in the form of both short stories and novels. The Scarlet Letter, which was written in the 1849 and published in 1850, is considered to be his masterpiece. The story takes in colonial seventeenth century New England, though it was created in the middle of the nineteenth century.
According to Norman Holmes Pearson in his introduction of the Complete Novels and Selected Tales of Nathaniel Hawthorne (1937:xi) stated: “The great beauty of The scarlet Letter as a literary achievement lies in its flexible unity within a strictly patterned complexity; the speculation within the characters’ own minds gives the novel an inner as well as an outer action. The spiritual enrichment of Hester, the decay of Dimmesdale, and the wizening of Chillingworth are each intensified by the development of the other’s natures.”
In fact, after being published, The Scarlet Letter achieved a great success and was hailed as a distinctive American literary work. This is due to the fact that Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter much talked about spiritual and moral issues of American tradition. In addition, it is filled with extremely dense descriptions throughout its story, which inevitably represents Hawthorne’s absolute genius in literature.
Thus, based on of all these facts explained above, the writer choose Nathaniel Hawthorne’s masterpiece The Scarlet Letter. The Scarlet Letter is a novel that tells about the anguish of two major characters, Hester Prynne (an unmarried mother) and Arthur Dimmesdale (the young minister). The story opens with the appearance of Hester Prynne, who is imprisoned by the Puritan elders of seventeenth century Boston in the early 1640’s. She is forced to wear a scarlet letter A on her clothes to show publicly that she has committed adultery. Roger Chillingworth, Hester’s husband, is a physician and scientist. Yet, he is described as an evil character. He is ironically the most condemned sinner, the one unredeemable soul, as he is the only one of the three who deliberately chooses evil (Hawthorne, 1987:273). Meanwhile, the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale is described as a well-respected and charming man, but seems always to be destroyed from within. Pearl emerges as a devil’s child, who is always passionate, intelligent, and energetic.
In fact, The Scarlet Letter is obviously full of symbols. A symbol is something, which is used to represent something broader in meaning. The most obvious example is the scarlet letter A itself, which can be associated with several meanings and not just adultery. According to Nina Baym in the book of A Norton Critical Edition Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter An Authoritative Text Background and Sources Criticism “The Romantic Malgre Lui” (1978:283) “Since the title of Hawthorne’s romance is The Scarlet Letter, the letter symbolizes that tale, which in turn stands as a representative of Romantic Art (a number of critics have suggested that the letter means “Art” in The Scarlet Letter).”
The symbolism is also depicted through the setting and each character. Moreover, the way that Dimmesdale always walks around with his hand over his heart is also a symbolic act that he actually attempts to hide a secret. It is also symbolic that the condition is in gray atmosphere with the dark skies, which symbolizes the concealment and evil’s world.
Some of Hawthorne’s symbols change their meanings, depending on the context, and some are static. Examples of static symbols are the Reverend Mr. Wilson, who represents the Church, or Governor Bellingham, who represents the state. But many of Hawthorne’s symbols change-particularly his characters- depending on their treatment by the community and their reactions to their sins. The characters, the scarlet letter A, light and darkness, imagery, and the settings of forest and village serve symbolic purposes. (
There are still many examples of symbolism found throughout Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter. The use of symbols in The Scarlet Letter plays an important role. In other words, Hawthorne uses a great amount of symbols in his novel to make it more significant. Indeed, Nathaniel Hawthorne frequently uses symbols in almost all his works. It is not surprising that Hawthorne is hailed as a masterful author in using symbolism. He, therefore, is considered to be one of the most prolific symbolists of American literature.
Thus based on some questions about symbolism aspects explored in Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet Letter, the main objective of this study is to reveal some significant symbols found in the novel as well as to explain deeply what the symbols mean actually. These aspects must be closely related to Hawthorne’s intention in creating his novel. One big matter should be questioned is how the novel was created in such a very economical but wonderful way.

The Scarlet Letter novel has obviously its unique kinds of composition by scene, picture, action, and characters as well as composition by metaphor and symbols. The Scarlet Letter is almost all pictures (Chase, 1978:70). Indeed, many researches are interested in analyzing it. Allan Llyod Smith in his article entitled “The Elaborated Sign of The scarlet Letter” stated that all of Hawthorne’s signs in The Scarlet Letter represent multiple ideas and objects. Taking for instance the letter A itself; the novel discusses how the scarlet letter A simultaneously hides and forges Hester’s identity. The word “symbol” itself at first came from Old French, Latin, and Greek (Symbolon means to throw together), which is rooted from the word “syn-“(together) and “bole” (a throw). For Pierce, which is cited in Daniel Chandler’s Semiotics for Beginners-An Introduction, a symbol is a sign, which refers to the object that it denotes by virtue of law, usually an association of general ideas, which operates to cause the symbol to be interpreted as referring to that object. All words, sentences, books, and other conventional signs are symbols (
http://www.aber.ac.uk/media/documents/s4B/sem02.html). In addition, Kenney defines a symbol as a basically kind of image, differing from other images in the use to which it is put. Occasionally, the more formal definitions of the symbol is simply the author’s attempt to name those many areas of human experience that ordinary language, literal or figurative, is inadequate to deal with.
Symbolism is included in semiotics discussion. Semiotics is the study of sign process (semiosis) or signification and communication, signs and symbols, both individually and grouped into sign systems. Charles Sanders Pierce (1839-1914), the founder of the philosophical doctrine, defines semiotics as the formal doctrine of signs. He often draws a distinction between icons, indexes, and symbols. Icons are signs whose signifier bears a close resemblance to the thing they refer to. Take, for instance, the picture of someone can be said to be highly iconic because it really looks like her/him, the silhouette of a car and a motorbike is also iconic as the silhouettes look like them, or onomatopoeic words; such as cuckoo, whisper, crash, splash, and cling can also be included in icon. In symbols, there is no relationship between the signifier and its signified. Thus, according to Steven C. Scheer in “Errors of Truth: Deconstruction in The Scarlet Letter” stated that the unstable connection between signifier and signified even extends to the members of the Puritan community many of whom refused to interpret the scarlet A by its original signification.
Julia Kristeva, one of the French philosophers and psychoanalysts, addresses the issues of the relationship of meaning to language, the relationship of meaning to life, and the relationship of language to life. Her most famous contribution to language theory is the distinction between the symbolic and the semiotic elements of signification. She maintains that all significations are composed of two elements, the symbolic and the semiotic elements. The symbolic element is the referential meaning. On the other hand, the semiotics element is the organization of drives in language. The symbolic itself is the structure or grammar that governs the way, in which symbols can refer.
From the statement of Kristeva above, it can be concluded that without the symbolic element of signification, we have only sounds babble and without the semiotic element, signification would be empty, since the semiotic provides the motivation for engaging in signifying process. As we are as the human beings need to communicate, the symbolic provides the structure to communicate. So, both elements are essentially significant. The signification of the symbolic and semiotic elements guarantees a relationship between language and life experience, and body and soul. In fact, semiotic gives symbols their meaning for human’s life. In addition, signification makes our lives meaningful.
“The important idea in what Kristeva says is that any social practice is articulated like a language. Any social practice has meanings which arise from the code it uses. Everything in our social life has the potential to mean. For instance, wearing clothes in our society does not signify much in itself-though not wearing them certainly does. But what clothes we wear-that is a choice that signifies something” (quoted from
Meanwhile, Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913), the father of modern linguistics, viewed semiotics as the most important area belonging to the social sciences. The first principle of semiology, according to Saussure, is the arbitrariness of the sign. He also viewed language as an ordered system of signs whose meanings are arrived at arbitrarily by a cultural conventional. According to Saussure, a pig, for instance, should be called a pig because we, in our language group, agree that it is called a pig.
From these figures’ statements, there can be taken one big general definition about semiotics in our literary criticism. It defines as the approach to literary criticism informed by the theory of signs or semiotics. Related to the object of the study The Scarlet Letter novel, this approach is extremely influential in the development of its research. There will be many aspects of symbolism are able to be explored in Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter novel.
The theme of love, as one of the themes implied in The Scarlet Letter, can be identified by one of the theories mentioned previously. The Scarlet Letter is a love story of Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale. But according to Puritan lifestyle, their love is forbidden and it inevitably will lead them to such a problematic path. By identifying the theme itself, which is the love in a broader meaning, love is something important in human’s life. This fact is stated that semiotics, which includes many aspects of symbols, gives significant meanings in our lives. We live our experience through a series of many stories and events, including to love and being loved. The living body is a loving body, and the loving body is a speaking body. In other words, although we do not tell our stories of lives, we have made it. And love, both the way how to love and being loved, has been spoken by our body and soul. In fact, without love we are nobody but walking zombie. Indeed, love is an essential thing to loving body and it is important to bring the living body to life in language.

The Scarlet Letter is not only beautiful, extraordinary, and admirable; it is such a true masterpiece of Nathaniel Hawthorne. After all, the story is very picturesquely arranged and wonderfully structured. It is obvious that after analyzing its story some spectacular facts are revealed that the novel has its unique setting, scene, motif, pictures, characters, actions, and language devices; including metaphor and symbol. In this case, one might think that symbols are the most important thing in a story. They are particularly used to unveil the secrets hidden in the story content. So, it is nor surprising that Hawthorne uses such many symbols to represent different things in The Scarlet Letter as; the letter A itself, the black man in the woods, the rosebushes, the meteor, the scaffold, both light and dim atmosphere, sunlight and darkness, civilization versus wilderness, the forest, and the prison, etc. Indeed, symbolism in The Scarlet Letter more frequently becomes a focal point for argumentative debating, critical analysis, as well as scientific researches.
Adultery is presumably considered to be the headline of the story. But, in fact, it is not really what the novel is about. Moreover, The Scarlet Letter is illustrating complicated pieces of the Puritan lifestyle. Hawthorne seems to lead the readers to understand that adultery is neither the only sin nor the most important one. He attempts to reveal a great number of themes about sin, condemnation, alienation, damnation, as well as the alternation of both good and evil. Theme is the main and sometimes universal idea, which is explored in a literary work. Thus based on these united themes, the story of The Scarlet Letter can be related to the story of Adam and Eve, who were eliminated from the Garden of Eden for violating God’s law and rule. There are two opposite ways between them, those are good and evil, and they tend to be in the evil road. Once, after being eliminated from the Garden of Eden, both of them must struggle in a very strict way. In this case, the experience of Adam and Eve is reflected in what Hester and Dimmesdale have experienced and that they suffer from sin and have to be ostracized. By bringing the theme of sin, Hawthorne wants to tell how sin can affect the lives of the characters in particular and the people in general. All the three characters have been caged by their sins; Hester is imprisoned and alienated by her society, Dimmesdale is destroyed from within, while Chillingworth suffers from serious spiritual defect, and Pearl is probably the only character who has free soul.
Furthermore, The Scarlet Letter is much more than a tale of sin; it can be regarded as a strong romantic love story between Hester and Dimmesdale. One of the scenes shows that Hester and Arthur Dimmesdale wish to escape from the town by walking through the forest. They attempt to display their intense love and that their love has surpassed time and distance away. Due to this love as well, Hester does not whish to tell the truth of her secret lover’s identity publicly. She prefers to keep it hidden as her heart secret, even though she would be hung on the scaffolding. Their love is being opposed by society, especially by Hester’s old real husband, Roger Chillingworth. However, they attempt to survive and pass it through successfully.
One may define that symbolism is commonly a sign of something else. In the sense of literary worlds, symbolism as one of the literary devices is defined in such a more complicated way. Indeed, symbols in literature are frequently metaphysical and can be including objects, characters, figures, and even colors which are used to represent abstract ideas or concepts. Taking for instance is the letter A that Hester Prynne is forced to wear on her breast. The crimson letter A is highly intended to be ambiguous in meaning. Firstly, the A means adulteress to the townspeople. The letter A, for Hester, is a sentence that she must wear on her bosom when Hester is pregnant during her husband’s absence. Moreover, the letter is a public display of shame to let everyone know that she is an adulteress and people treat her in that way. Secondly, Hester’s A stands for America. Related to the letter A, America is a melting pot many people and ideas. Hester gets the sign A because of certain situations; she is an unhappy wife of Chillingworth and has been separated by away from her husband for two years, she then falls in love with Arthur Dimmesdale, and is being pregnant with him, and finally condemned by a strict Puritan law. Along with American history, Hester is shaped by every event, and various people and cultures. In other words, she develops as the development of America. Thirdly, the letter A represents able, that is an able Hester. She is considered to be an able woman, since she can accept her sentence and condemnation patiently. During facing her punishment, Hester frequently holds her head high, takes with pride all the miseries, and that she is proud to be. Hester can, in fact, show her accomplishment through the ability to overcome her punishment. By these various kinds of meanings, there is such a strong unity between Hester and the scarlet letter; the letter A becomes one with Hester and Hester becomes the letter’s meaning.
To conclude, besides the symbol of the scarlet letter A itself, there is a great number of powerful symbols in the novel. Indeed, the novel was written with symbolism’s fulfillment to enable the readers to find their meanings out and explore them. The story is not only an illustration of how sin can affect strictly to the sinners, rather it is more than that. Thus, due to the fact, Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter is not only created to be a story of romantic love, revelation of sin, purity, or the alternation of good and evil, but also a combination of an extremely historical tragedy.

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Chase, Richard. 1978. The American Novel and Its Tradition. Gordian Press, New York.
Culler, Jonathan. 1997. Literary Theory. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York.
Eagleton, Terry. 2007. Teori Sastra: Sebuah Pengantar Komprehensif. Jalasutra, Yogyakarta.
Endraswara, Suwardi. 2004. Methodology Penelitian Sastra: Epistemilogi, Model, Teori, dan Aplikasi. Pustaka Widyatama, Yogyakarta.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, ed. 1987. The Scarlet Letter-A Toor Book. Tom Doherty Associates, New York.
Jabrohim. 2001. Metodologi Penelitian Sastra. PT. Hanindita Graha Widia, Yogyakarta.
Kenney, William. 1966. How to Analyze Fiction. Monarch Press, New York.
Kurnia, Anton. 2006. Ensiklopedia Sastra Dunia. i:boekoe, Jakarta.
Pearson, Norman Holmes. 1937. The Complete Novels and Selected Tales of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Random House, Inc, New York.
Peck, John, Coyle, Martin. 1984. Literary Terms and Criticism. Mac Milan Education LTD, UK, London.
_________. 1978. A Norton Critical Edition Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter-An Authoritative Text Backgrounds and Sources Criticism-Second Edition. W.W. Norton and Compan, New York.

Site Sources:
http://english.byu.edu/Novelinks/Novel%20pages/The%20Scarlet%20Letter.htm (Sunday, 16th of May 2007, 11.33 AM).
http://www.uwm.edu/Library/special/exhibits/clastext/clspg144.htm (Sunday, 16th of May 2007, 11.33 AM).
http://www.aber.ac.uk/media/documents/S4B/sem02.html. Written by Daniel Chandler, (Monday, 03rd Dec 2007).
http://www.stevencscheer.com/scarletletter.htm Steven C. Scheer (Monday, 03rd Dec 2007).
http://www.eldritchpress.org/nh/sb1.html. Written by Sacvan Bercovitch (Monday, 03rd Dec 2007).
http://www.protevi.com/john/EDCP/Kristeva.html. Written by Julia Kristeva. (Monday, 03rd of Dec 2007).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semiotics (Friday, 7th of Dec 2007, 8.39 AM).
http://www.cedarseed.com/air/semiotics.html (Friday, 7th of Dec 2007, 8.39 AM).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbol (Friday, 7th of Dec 2007, 8.39 AM).
http://faculty.goucher.edu/eng215/Semiotic_Symbol.htm (Friday, 7th of Dec 2007, 8.39 AM).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semiotic_literary_criticism (Friday, 7th of Dec 2007, 8.39 AM).
http://www.cultsock.ndirect.co.uk/MUHome/cshtml/semiomean/semio1.html#criticism (Wednesday, 14th of Nov 2007, 7.17 AM).
http://www.pinkmonkey.com/booknotes/monkeynotes/pmScarletLetter49.asp (Wednesday, 14th of Nov 2007, 7.17 AM).
http://www.enotes.com/scarlet/ (Wednesday, 14th of Nov 2007, 7.17 AM).
http://www.e-scoala.ro/referate/engleza_nathaniel_hawthorne_symbolic.html (Wednesday, 14th of Nov 2007, 7.17 AM).
http://www.cliffsnotes.com/WileyCDA/LitNote/The-Scarlet-Letter.id-167,pageNum-86.html (Wednesday, 14th of Nov 2007, 7.17 AM).
http://www.123helpme.com/view.asp?id=14727 (Wednesday, 14th of Nov 2007, 7.17 AM).

Sebuah Renungan Tentang Waktu

Ambillah waktu untuk berpikir, itu adalah sumber kekuatan.
Ambillah waktu untuk bermain, itu rahsia dari masa muda yang abadi.
Ambillah waktu untuk membaca, itu adalah sumber kebijaksanaan.
Ambillah waktu untuk berdoa, itu adalah kekuatan terbesar di bumi.

Ambillah waktu untuk mencintai dan dicintai, itu adalah hak istimewa yang diberikan Sang Pencipta.

Ambillah waktu untuk bersahabat, itu adalah jalan menuju kebahgiaan.

Ambillah waktu untuk tertawa, itu adalah musik yang menggetarkan jiwa.

Ambillah waktu untuk memberi, itu adalah hari yang sangat singkat untuk kepentingan diri sendiri.

Ambillah waktu untuk bekerja, itu adalah nilai keberhasilan.

Ambillah waktu untuk beriman, itu adalah kunci menuju syuarga.

You can't manage time.

You manage your use of it, or else time will manage you!

C'est la vie!

Sebuah pendapat tentang kehidupan...

Hidup...sangat luas dengan dimensi-dimensi persoalan yang tak terhingga. Untuk itu diperlukan bukan sekedar wawasan yang luas dan pengetahuan yang terus dicari, tapi juga kearifan dan sikap luhur yang konsisten dari hari ke hari.

keceriaan dan kenyamanan hidup tidak slalu tergantung pada kepada hal-hal diluar manusia, melainkan pada kekayaan bathin di dalam diri manusia. Dan umpan tuk memancing keceriaan adalah sikap yang tepat kepada Allah dan kehidupan. Selanjutnya pengolahan mental, pikiran, hati, perasaan, serta segala macam unsur kejiwaan.

Seorang Alban pernah mengatakan bahwa hidup memang keras dan penuh perjuangan, namun jika disikapi dengan kelemah lembutan maka kita kan termotivasi untuk terus dan terus menggali sisi dari kehidupan ini!

Sometimes shit happens in our life...

But it will for sure come to an end!

Trust me!

A story 'bout my best friend!

His name is Elyor Ergashev...

I rather call 'im Elly, since i like this simple name. He is just like my second brother.

Dialah satu-satunya sahabat gue yang emang bener2 baek....sahabat yang slalu gue paksa tuk membaca segala kisah hidup gue, keluh kesah gue, kebahagiaan gue, dan kerumitan gue...pokoknya ia benar2 bisa gue andelin dalam hal curhat! Kayanya ia punya sejuta mata buat membaca cerita2 gue...hehehehe....

Ada kalanya ia memberi motivasi layaknya seorang adviser, tapi ada kalanya juga ia bisa diajak ber-haha-hihi bareng. Tapi ia bukan hanya sekedar pembaca yang baek, tapi juga pendongeng ulung. Ada banyak kisah2 menarik yang senantiasa ia ceritakan ke gue. Rasa2nya ia punya sejuta atau bahkan semilyar dongeng yang slalu bisa ia sajikan. Dan menariknya gue kagak pernah bosen buat baca semua kisah2 dan cerita2 serunya....!

Ia banyak memberi arti dalam keseharian gue. Darinya gue bisa belajar untuk percaya ma orang lain, tentang arti sebuah persahabatan, persaudaraan, dan kasih sayang.

Kehadirannya begitu spesial, kerna ia begitu berbeda dalam pandangan seorang gue! Kesopanannya, kesantunannya, dan kelemah lembutannya dalam berbahasa banyak mencerminkan kepribadiannya yang luhur. Gue kagum dengan keteguhan jiwanya. benar2 kagum! Sebuah anugrah bisa mengenalnya, dan adalah kurnia bisa bersahabat dengannya!

A great hug is always for 'im!

Stay always in touch, Elly!


Jumat, 29 Februari 2008

Well, hey.........!!!

I'm kinda lonely today.
Can ya guys just imagine how i feel lately?
I'm not gannin' yem for this season.

Ough, such a humdrum life!
Makin' me awfully Freaky....!!!
Without my family and friends around!

Hopefully, this shitty situation soon leaves me!
I'm missin' ya all guys!

Sounds pathetic, huh?

Rabu, 13 Februari 2008


Ya Rabb, Engkau Maha Besar, kekuasaan-Mu pasti lebih besar daripada masalah hamba. Engkau Maha Besar, ampunan dan rahmat-Mu pasti lebih besar daripada dosa hamba. Dan Engkau doin greatMaha Besar, karena kebesaran-Mu maka tak layak bagi hamba untuk berputus asa.

Ya Rabb, Engkau Maha Tahu ya Rabb, hamba yang berbuat dosa, selayaknya memang hamba yang menanggung segala akibatnya. Tapi hamba juga tahu, bahwa samudra ampunan-Mu begitu luas, sehingga mampu membebaskan hamba dari segala akibat. Lantaran inilah harapan hamba muncul, maka jangan Engkau pupuskan harapan hamba ya Rabb.

Ya Rabb, ditengah lautan permasalahan kehidupan yang hamba hadapi, baik yang hamba buat sendiri, ataupun yang muncul akibat kebodohan dan kelalaian hamba, hamba tidak pernah ingin berhenti berharap, bahwa Engkau tidak akan menutup mata terhadap kesalahan-kesalahan hamba, dan segera membentangkan lindungan dan pertolongan-Mu diatas kehidupan hamba.

Ya Rabb, ditengah keterbatasan hamba menutupi kesalahan-kesalahan hamba dan berjuang untuk hidup dan kehidupan, hamba tidak pernah ingin berhenti berharap, bahwa Engkau tidak pernah akan lari dari kehidupan hamba, betapapun hamba adanya.

Semoga harapan-harapan hamba ini tidak menjadi harapan kosong di mata-Mu, Engkaulah ujung segala harapan. Engkau bukan manusia yang punya kesabaran terbatas, karena Engkau adalah Tuhan Semesta yang tidak pernah mempunyai batas.

Allahumma ya Allah, sungguh engkau Mengetahui setiap rahasia hati, rahasia gerak, rahasia pikiran semua mahluk-Mu. Termasuk hamba-Mu ini. Andai Engkau tidak memiliki Rahman dan Rahim, tidak memiliki kasih sayang, niscaya hanya keburukan hamba yang terlihat, yang terdengar.

Demi Nama-Mu yang Menjaga rahasia Keburukan, demi Nama-Mu yang menyembunyikan kesalahan, jagalah hamba dan segenap orang yang hamba kenal dan yang hamba tidak kenal, dengan Cinta-Mu. Jagalah kami semua dengan pengharapan penuh kepada-Mu.

Kemudahan Engkau mengampuni dosa dan menutupi kesalahan, membuat kami jarang putus harapan, seberapapun kami mengulanginya, seberapapun kami mengulanginya. Engkaulah Sang Maha, tidak berbatas dan tidak bertepi.

Wahai Zat yang telah menciptakan kami, selama ini Engkau melihat kami hanya menjadi manusia pengeluh yang lupa akan keindahan nikmat-Mu. Wahai Zat yang telah menciptakan kami, selama ini pula mata kami tertutup dari melihat kasih dan sayang-Mu, hanya lantaran kehidupan kami yang selalu dirasa kurang. Hidupkanlah kami dengan hati yang merasa cukup dengan pemberian-Mu, dan hidupkanlah kami dengan hati yang lapang ketika menerima ujian, atau bahkan adzab sekalipun.

Wahai Zat yang begitu bijaksana, kami yakin tidak ada rencana-Mu yang berakhir dengan keburukan, tidak ada juga kehendak-Mu yang bersifat membinasakan. Perbuatan dan langkah sesat kamilah yang memaksa Engkau mewujudkan kehidupan yang buruk bagi kami. Dan boleh jadi juga Engkau kecewa, lantaran maksiat dan dosa kami membuat Engkau menjadi terhalang untuk mengulurkan kasih dan sayang-Mu yang Maha Sempurna. Duh Gusti Allah, kami memohon kebaikan dan ampunan-Mu.

Ya Allah, yang menciptakan siang dan malam, Engkau ajarkan melalui penciptaan siang dan malam ini keberanian menghadapi kenyataan hidup. Bahwa malam akan berlalu, seiring dengan akan datangnya siang kembali. Dan bahwa kami memang harus mempersiapkan diri bila memang malam datang menggantikan siang.

Ya allah, yakinkan diri kami bahwa ditengan suka cita atau duka cita, ada Engkau Yang Maha Melihat dan Maha Menyaksikan. Dan tentunya Engkau tidak akan berdiam diri.

Ya Allah Yang Maha Memiliki hikmah, mata kami selalu terbatas dalam menilai gerangan apa yang ada di balik suatu kejadian yang menimpa. Kiranya Engkaulah yang menunjukkan hikmah tersembunyi di balik setiap kejadian.

Ya Allah, sebagaimana senangnya kami menuai kesenangan, kuatkan juga hati kami bila kami menghadapi kesukaran. Jadikan hati kami begitu lapang dan ikhlas, agar kami tidak kehilangan control diri.

Ya Allah, apapun yang kami lakukan, ada Engkau di balik semua kelakuan kami. Bila kami salah Engkau betulkan, bila kami salah, Engkau maafkan.

Ya Allah, di setiap sendi kehidupan, kami sering berlaku seperti orang yang tidak punya keimanan dan keyakinan tentang keberadaan Engkau ya Allah. Lihat saja mata kami buta, tidak bisa melihat kebesaran-Mu dan kekuasaan-Mu dalam kehidupan ini. Sebab nyatanya kami berlaku dosa tanpa peduli bahwa Engkau Melihat. Sebab nyatanya kami berlaku salah tanpa peduli padahal Engkau Teramat Mengetahui.
Ya Allah, demikian pula adanya bila kami berhadapan dengan kesusahan dan penderitaan, bukannya kami adukan permasalahan kepada Engkau, malah kami larikan kepada Tuhan lain selain Engkau, yang sebenarnya tidak ada. Kami cari solusi dengan bukan cara-Mu. Untuk itu kami mohon maaf di setiap langkah kami yang salah, kami mohon ampun di setiap langkah kami yang buruk, dan kami minta Engkau gantikan dengan kebaikan-kebaikan.

Wahai Tuhan yang mendengar semua do'a, wahai Engkau yang menjawab semua permohonan, sudah lama pula kami tidak memanfaatkan kekuatan dan kebesaran-Mu dalam setiap jengkal kehidupan hamba. Kami hidup ya hidup tanpa pernah berkomunikasi sebagaimana layaknya hamba dengan Tuhannya. Kami makan tanpa berdo'a, kami minum tanpa berdo'a, kami bekerja, berusaha tanpa berdo'a, dan segalanya kami lakukan tanpa melibatkan Engkau. Padahal engkaulah yang mengatur ala mini termasuk segala urusan kami. Padahal kekuatan cuma ada pada-Mu, dan padahal kami tidak memiliki daya sedikitpun.

Wahai Tuhan yang menunggu do'a kami, buatlah kami mengenal-Mu lebih baik, supaya kami menemukan kemahaan-Mu dan berkenan memohon pertolongan-Mu.

Wahai pembebas segala derita, kami tiada tahan menahan derita, meski itu sebab kelakuan salah kami. Kami tidak sanggup menahan datangnya akibat buruk, meski tu adalah akibat perbuatan kami sendiri. Kuasa-Mu ang kami harap bisa hadir di tengah-tengah permasalahan yang kami hadapi.

Wahai Zat yang tidak pernah menutup pintu, seribu kali kami datang kepada-Mu membawa setumpuk permasalahan hidup, seribu kali kami datang membawa beban hidup kami, tak akan pernah Engkau terbebani. Kuasa-Mu begitu besar, tak berbatas, tak bertepi. Setelah pembebasan Engkau berikan, setelah ampunan Engkau tunjukkan, jangan jadikan kami orang-orang yang lupa bahwa kami pernah berdo'a kepada-Mu, minta dihilangkan segala susah. Kami manusia yang banyak salahnya, dan Engkau Tuhan yang banyak ampunannya.

Wahai Tuhan kami, kesulitan demi kesulitan yang kami temui adalah kesulitan yang berasal dari kebodohan kami sendiri. Dan dalam menghadapi kesulitan-kesulitan tersebut, kami sering berlaku sebagai orang-orang yang kalah, yang lemah, bahwa tak satupun yang bisa kami atasi.

Wahai Tuhan kami, segala kekuatan ada di tangan-Mu, kalaulah kami berpikir pada ketidakmampuan kami menghadapi kesulita-kesulitan kami, maka yang terpampang adalah tembok besar yang menghalangi dan batu besar yang menghimpit. Tapi demi melihat kemampuan-Mu yang tiada terbatas, dan anugerah kekuatan besar yang tersembunyi pada diri kami yang hanya dimiliki oleh orang-orang yang menemukannya, maka voléela kami berharap bahwa semuanya pasti bisa kami hadapi dengan baik. La haula wala quwwata illa billah. Tiada daya upaya kecuali kekuatan-Mu.

Wahai Zat yang Maha Agung, Engkau segalanya bagi alam ini, bagi jagad ini. Kekuasaan dan kebesaran-Mu meliputi langit dan bumi serta apa-apa yang ada pada keduanya. Tapi semua ini tidak menjadikan Engkau menjauh dari kami yang lemah dan bodoh akal ini. Engkau minta kami mendekat, tuk merasakan dekapan kasih sayang-Mu, tuk merasakan percikan kekuasaan dan kebesaran-Mu.

Wahai Zat yang tak pernah berpaling, kami hadapkan wajah kami yang penuh dosa dan kami datang dengan membawa berjuta permasalahan yang membuat kepala kami pening dan hati kami berdear keras. Wahai Pencipta yang Mulia, semua yang ada di muka bumi dan di langitnya semesta adalah sebagian kecil pesona keajaiban-Mu. Tapi kami butuh keajaiban-Mu yang lain, yaitu kesediaan Engkau tuk hadir dalam kehidupan kami, serta kehendak-Mu tuk menolong kami. Kami butuh pertolongan-Mu, kami butuh kehadiran-Mu di tengah kehidupan kami yang poranda ini. Engkaulah Pengatur kehidupan terbaik, dan pula Pemberi rizki.

Hadirlah ya Tuhan, hadirlah di setiap nafas kehidupan kami, agar kami bisa mencapai kesejatian kebahagiaan di dunia ini, dan di akhirat nanti.

Ya Allah, Tuhan yang Maha Bijaksana, hamba yang berbuat kesalahan, tapi hamba yang meminta-Mu untuk menyelesaikannya. Ya Allah, hamba yang berbuat keburukan, tapi Engkau yang hamba minta menahan akibat keburukan itu datang. Itu semua karena Engkau punya kebjaksanaan yang luar biasa luasnya. Dan engkau juga yang mempunyai kuasa atas segala sesuatu.

Pelajaran apa lagi yang hamba bisa petik dari keterpurukan dan ketersudutan hamba? Yaitu bahwa tidak ada perbuatan buruk yang manis akibatnya! Tanamkanlah hikmah ini di dalam setiap gerak dan pikir hamba, supaya hamba selamat dunia akhirat.

Hamba juga percaya bahwa Engkau bukan hanya mengasihi dan menyayangi mereka yang berjalan lurus, tapi juga Engkau mengasihi dan menyayangi mereka yang menyatakan ingin kembali dan bertaubat kepada-Mu. Bahkan Engkau mengasihi dan menyayangi semua orang. Hamba saja yang tidak menjangkau kasih dan sayang-Mu. Catatkanlah amba sebagai bagian dari orang-orang yang mau memperbaiki diri, mau membersihkan hati dan pikiran, agar kasih dan sayang-Mu segera hadir di rasa di kehidupan ini.

Ya Allah, ajarkanlah kami cara bersyukur dan menemukan bahwa kehidupan ini indah, bila kami menangkap keindahannya. Dan ajarkanlah kami untuk menemukan kebesaran-Mu di balik kemegahan alam ini. Jangan biarkan perasaan dan pikiran negatif sebagai orang-orang yang kalah menguasai kami, sehingga kami menjadi kalah beneran. Bimbing kami untuk menemukan kemenangan demi kemenangan dan kegairahan hidup. Berilah motivasi buat kami, elailah kami dengan kasih sayang-Mu, kenalkanlah kekuasaan dan kebesaran-Mu kepada kami, sehingga kami bisa memanfaatkan kemahaan-Mu dalam setiap situasi dan kondisi kami.

Ya Allah, kami mohon yang terbaik dari-Mu, dan senantiasa memohon yang baik-baik dari Tuhan yang Maha Baik seperti-Mu. Maka takdirkan kami bisa melakukan kebaikan demi kebaikan yang memang diprasaratkan untuk siapa saja yang ingin mendapatkan kebaikan.

Ampuni kami di setiap maksiat penglihatan kami, ampuni kami di setiap maksiat pendengaran kami, ampuni kami di setiap maksiat lisan kami. Ampuni kami di setiap kesalahan dan dosa kami. Karena Engkau menjanjikan ampunan kepada seluruh pendosa. Ya Allah, tolong jangan kecewakan kami ketika kami penuh harap pada-Mu, dan ikhlaskan permohonan kami.

Ya Rabb, karena kami kurang mengenal-Mu, lantas kami berjalan dalam kesendirian. Sendiri dalam menjalani hidup dan kehidupan. Sendiri dalam mengatasi kesulitan hidup dan kehidupan.

Andai kami mengenal-Mu dengan baik, sebaik pemahaman hari ini dan sebaik yang Engkau pahamkan kepada kami, tentu kami tidak akan berpaling dari-Mu dan senantiasa minta ditemani. Engkau terlalu berharga untuk kami abaikan, Engkau terlalu berharga untuk kami lupakan. Dan kami menjadi terlalu bodoh bila tidak mendekat dengan-Mu. Engkau bisa hilangkan penderitaan kami dengan sekejap. Engkau bisa hapuskan kesalaha-kesalahan kami dengan sekejap. Engkau bisa sembuhkan penyakit-penyakit kami semudah yang Engkau mau. Itu karena Engkau demikian kuasa. Kekuasaan-Mu tidak pernah berbatas dan tidak pernah bertepi.

Ada yang Maha Mendengar, yaitu Engkau. Tapi kami mencari yang tuli, yaitu manusi. Ada yang Maha Membantu, yaitu Engkau. Tapi kami mencari yang diam, yaitu manusia. Ada yang Maha Berkuasa, yaitu Engkau. Tapi kami mencari yang lemah dan tak bisa berbuat apa-apa, yaitu manusia. Maafkan kami ya Allah, maafkan ...

Ya Rabb, jadikan kami orang-orang yang berhati tenang, dan berpikiran jernih di setiap masalah yang muncul. Bagi-Mu tidak ada yang tidak mungkin, tidak ada yang mustahil. Kami hadapkan masalah kami kepada-Mu semata, dan memohon adanya jalan keluar dan kebaikan bagi kami.

Ya Rabb, kebahagiaan, terus menerus Engkau berikan dalam kehidupan hamba, tapi hamba senantiasa merusaknya. Hamba tertawa ketika kebahagiaan itu datang, dan menangis ketika kebahagiaan itu menghilang. Menangis karena kebodohan sendiri.
Ketenangan juga begitu. Engkau sediakan bagi orang-orang yang mau mendekat kepada-Mu, percaya akan kuasa dan kehadiran-Mu, mau berbuat baik, serta menjauhi keburukan demi keburukan. Tapi jalan nafsu yang hamba pilih, jalan setan yang hamba turuti. Akhirnya ketengan menghilang, berganti rupa dengan kegelisahan dan keresahan.

Ah, Tuhan, betapa hamba selalu mengubah kebaikan-Mu menjadi keburukan bagi hamba. Betapa hamba juga sering menukar kenikmatan yang Engkau berikan dengan kesengsaraan. Andai hamba boleh berharap, andai kebahagiaan dan ketenangan itu menghampiri kehidupan hamba lagi, maka tetapkanlah ia sebagai bagian yang tak menghilang lagi. Yaitu dengan memelihara hamba dalam jalan-Mu, jalan orang-orang yang selamat.

Dan jika boleh memohon, jadikanlah hamba orang-orang yang sabar,. Sabar dalam mengejar kenikmatan dan sabar dalam menikmati kenikmatan. Supaya hamba bisa menikmati kenikmatan sebagaimana kenikmatan layaknya kemikmatan, bukan kenikmatan yang berakhir duka. Ya Rabb, jadikan pandangan hamba, hasrat hamba, hati dan pikiran hamba bukan pada dunia semata, tetapi justru kepada Engkau, Pemilik Dunia ini.

Duhai Pemilik ampunan dan rahmat, keburukan hamba banyak di masa lalu, kesalahan hamba banyak di masa lalu, dan dosa hamba banyak di masa lalu. Maka hapuskanlah catatan keburukan itu bagi hamba, agar hamba ringan dalam melangkah, dan jangan biarkan kami kembali tersesat.

Duhai pemenuh segala harapan, dan Penghapus segala derita, perkenankanlah do'a kami. Berjuta harapan tak terhingga kami sampirkan pada-Mu.

Astaghfirullah Rabbal baraya, astaghfirullah minal khataya …
Ya Rahmaan, ya Rahiim, Ya Allah, ighfir dzunubana …

Senin, 11 Februari 2008

Arti Cinta


Sekalipun cinta 'tlah ku uraikan dan ku jelaskan panjang lebar,
Namun jika cinta ku datangi aku jadi malu pada keteranganku sendiri.
Meski lidahku 'tlah mampu menguraikan dengan terang,
Namun tanpa lidah cinta ternyata lebih terang.

Sementara pena begitu tergesa menuliskannya,
Kata kata pecah berkeping begitu sampai kepada cinta.
Dalam menguraikan cinta, akal terbaring tak berdaya.
Bagai keledai terbaring dalam lumpur.
Cinta sendirilah yang menerangkan cinta dan percintaan.

Ku kutip petikan makna cinta ini dari novel "Ketika Cinta Bertasbih"
Ku renungi dan kudalami maknaya.....
Begitu indah!

Jumat, 18 Januari 2008

je t'aime!

Kau mencintaku seperti bumi mencinta titah Tuhannya
Tak pernah lelah menanggung beban derita
Tak pernah lelah menghisap luka.

Kau mencintaku seperti matahari mencinta titah Tuhannya

Tak pernah lelah membagi cerah cahaya

Tak pernah lelah menghangatkan jiwa

Kau mencintaku seperti air mencinta titah Tuhannya

Tak pernah lelah membersihkan lara

Tak pernah lelah menyejukkan dahaga

Kau mencintaku seperti bunga mencinta titah Tuhannya

Tak pernah lelah menebar aroma bahgia

Tak pernah lelah meneduhkan gelisah nyala.

women writers

How to be a Woman Writer?
By: Osya

Woman matters have always been eliminated in our patriarchal world. Half of six billion people are women. Yet, how many women are involved in politics and society? Instead, most women do almost all kinds of works at home. And women must do it as they are force to. In fact, women’s involvement in politics or society is not valued greatly. Unfortunately, women’s role is not only eliminated in politics and society, but also in other aspects of life, including in literature. Taking for instance, not more than ten women achieved the most prestigious prize, Noble Prize, in the annals history of literature.
Thus, there may be many big questions appear in our mind. How to write, how to be a woman, and how to be a woman writer? One may wonder from these questions, why it seems so hard to be a woman writer in our society? Well, it is not such a surprising matter since being a woman means being a mother. And it means that a woman should always bound to her domestic life’s matters; cooking, staying at home, working in the kitchen, or bringing up the children. Moreover, many people think that being a woman, being a writer, and being a parent and wife are big conflicts. It is just because difficult for women to do all three at once. Probably, most of us just hang this thing up and take up some other profession, as being a woman writer is obviously hopeless. In addition, women eventually start to play other roles in their life. And unfortunately, women usually play as supporters for writers; their role is more often to become inspiration rather than creation. Then, do we have a spare time to write?
Everybody should realize that we are all born creative; all of us, no exception. In fact, creativity is not specific for a certain group of people. So, when a woman decides to be a writer, go ahead! Instead of asking the questions above, I prefer thinking about how to make all these kinds of distractions help, inspire, and even discourage us as writers. How to keep our creativity? This is a big question as well.
Then, should a woman have a private space to write? Virginia Woolf once said that in order for a woman to be a writer, she needs a private room with a door, a lock, and financial security. This idea seems pretty good. However, it sounds difficult for many women to do, for everyone one day, when they have to be a mother. It sounds impossible that we have to lock ourselves away from everyone else. We presumably should put up with all these distractions from different conditions.
But before deciding to be a writer, one of course should be a reader. I think, at least for a while, by reading we can ignore all other distractions. Sometimes reading can inspire someone to be a writer; reading is the wonderful gift of hearing another’s thoughts, and of seeing other views imagined by another person than ourselves. So, be a professional reader at first!
Again, there are some thoughts appear in our society that women writers seem odd and queer, that they still write no good and that they are not equal to male writers. As a matter of fact, based on the historical backdrop, the widespread education of women was not common until the nineteenth century. Even, in the arena of British and America, literature was once widely dominated by men. What about today then? Unfortunately, it is just nearly the same! Both evidence of the past and present say women writers nowadays are just in a bad area, they are still men dominated in writing and literature.
From this phenomenon, one may suspect that being a woman is a disaster. It seems that a woman is born by bringing much more obstacles than a man. There are so many things that prevent women from expressing themselves, including writing. So, do we have to change our sex? In other words, should we wish to have “balls” in order to be a writer? Is it fair that only those with balls (men) are considered really writers? No, it is absolutely not! This is just like any sort of thing that will keep women from writing, from expressing their feelings. Again, this is sort of distraction.
On the other hand, a distraction is a disaster. But on the other hand, distractions can be an inspiration to write. Probably, out of distractions come art, knowledge, and even something best. Because of some distractions, there will be words-many words-to write down. Kim Wells said “So maybe being a writer is partly about those moments of watching two orange butterflies chase each other in the afternoon sunlight, and getting ready to stop and think about dinner. Being a writer is sometimes about those moments when you, the observer, take note of something others ignore in their arrow-straight heroic quest to get things done” (quoted from http://www.womenwriters.net/summer04/wellsspeech.html).
So, what all writers should do is taking those moments of distractions and put them in such beautiful structures and narratives. Therefore, a woman does not need to choose whether she should be a housewife or a writer, but she has to be both. In fact, being a writer is a piece of cake; it only needs a pencil and some paper. And it is enough, as long as she knows what she has to do is to explore as many ideas as possible and walk around in them. Writing is a free activity; we can start thinking about something, reading, and writing it down. All of these activities are easy to do’ anyone of us can do them anytime anywhere, with no limits.
I remember one of the feminist leaders from Egypt, Nawal El Saadawi, whose writings have angered both political and religious authorities in Egypt. She was imprisoned by Anwar Sadat for performing crimes allegedly against the government and was not released until her assassination. Being a writer is extremely difficult for El Saadawi, since the political freedom of her state does not allow to. She said that writing is very dangerous in her country.
Once she was in prison, she said that everyday the jailer comes and examine her cell carefully to find a pen and a paper of hers. It is forbidden for her to have them. Since, according to the jailer, they are more dangerous than a gun. In addition, she, as the political prisoner, was not allowed to have anything in the cell. However, Nawal E Saadawi insisted on keeping writing and writing. Thus, because of this prohibition, she decided to have a pen and a paper by any means. She used toilet paper and a small eyebrow pen that she got from one of her neighbor prostitutes in the cell. She wrote her own memoirs in prison only on a piece of toilet paper by using a very little eyebrow pen.
As a matter of fact, writing is completely a struggle as well. No matter how many destructions a woman has, they should inspire rather than destruct from her ability to write. Additionally, one thing for sure for a woman is thinking about why she decides to be a writer, and how it fits with her being a woman too. As being a woman is not the label that makes us different or inferior, so be proud to be a woman and be proud to be a woman writer!
http://www.womenwriters.net/summer04/wellsspeech.html (12th of Dec 2007, 12:55 PM).
http://www.democracynow.org/2000/3/29/women_writers (12th of Dec 2007, 12:55 PM).